Established 12th November 2011
Meeting Dates: 4th Friday in Jan, May & Nov
Installation: November
Meeting at:
Freemason’s Hall
108 Mostyn Street
LL30 2SW
For further information regarding how to join please contact the Registrar at the above address
The Llewelyn Fawr Preceptory was consecrated at Christleton on 12 November 2011 with a permanent home at Mostyn Street, Llandudno.
The Founders felt that a new Preceptory based in North Wales would be welcomed by Freemasons living in the area – the nearest Preceptories being stationed at Menai in Anglesey and Connah’s Quay, Deeside.
The twenty four Founders were joined by the Provincial Prior for Cheshire and North Wales RE Knight Stephen Clayton-Barker as Consecrating Officer,
the Sub Prior VE Knight Eric Foxwell and the full Provincial team, together with many visiting Knights from the Province and beyond.
The Preceptory meets at Freemason’s Hall, 108 Mostyn Street, Llandudno LL30 2SW on the fourth Friday in January, May and November (Installation).