

Welcome to the Provincial Website for the Priory of Cheshire and North Wales.

Welcome to the website of The Provincial Priory of Knights Templar of Cheshire and North Wales which I hope will be of interest, and of use to both Knights of the Order and to Freemasons who wish to learn more and may be thinking of joining. The Order is made up of Christian Freemasons, and has the longest title of any Masonic Order!
A Province is made up of a number of private units called Preceptories. You will find within the site information on all of these Preceptories, as well as historical and current news items. If you require more info, there are links and contact details available.


R.Em.Kt. Alan Pierce
Provincial Prior                                              

Latest News: 
Provincial Priory Meeting  1st June  2024

Provincial Page

Principal Officers
KT Officers 
Malta Officers 
Provincial Priory
Provincial Diary
Preceptory Details
Preceptories News
Meetings Calendar
Knight Templar Regalia
Knight of Malta Regalia
St John Eye Hospital
East Cheshire Hospice
Claire House
Hope House
The Donna Louise Trust

Registrar’s Forms
Travelling Cup of Memory
History of the Province

KT Toast List

Malta Toast List

This website has been created and is maintained by E.Kt. Steve Parker of Palestine Preceptory No. 217
